Wednesday, September 21, 2011

More waiting...and big decisions to make

Here's an update for those of you who are interested in where we are in the transplant process.
Two weeks after getting the news that Lee was accepted into the lung transplant program at UPMC, we are still waiting on approval from the insurance company. Which quite frankly is fine with me, as we aren't much closer to making some key decisions.
The first being, to relocate or not to relocate. We've recently been told by our transplant coordinator that if we do temporarily move to Pittsburgh, we might be waiting as long as 6 months to get the call that lungs are available. Lee's "score" is good, which means while he needs a transplant, he's not in a desperate situation. He's not on a ventilator or close to death in other words.
On the other hand, if we wait here and hire an air ambulance or charter a plane to get us up to Pittsburgh when lungs are available, we could easily spend 5,000 or 10,000$. And what if we get a "false alarm?" Meaning the hospital tells us they have lungs ready, so we get all the way up there and for whatever reason the lungs are deemed unusable. Then what? We're out of a shit load of cash and have to come home and wait again.
And, well we just don't have the funds to do either in the next month or two. I can't tell you how much this sucks. It's not like we need a few hundred dollars, we're talking a heck of
a lot more. Enough to buy a fancy car. Enough to take a 6 month trip to Australia. Enough to buy a house.
The good news... Our spirits are still high. We remain positive. We have wonderful friends and family who are helping in all sorts of ways. The future is just a little fuzzy right now. But we'll be ok.


  1. Have you guys considered doing some time of fundraiser? Maybe a concert or art event of some sort? I'm sure with local media attention, you could raise some good funds to help with all the costs involved. I'm praying for you guys and think about you all the time. Love ya! Tracy

  2. Yea, fundraisers are already being planned. The first one is Oct 16th at The Blind Tiger. Details on the Lungs for Lee FB page.

  3. Leslie
    I have delta sky miles and some Continental miles that I am more than happy to donate to you guys. It's not to many but if others are also willing to transfer/ donate theirs I'm sure it would add up. At least if you guys suddenly got the "word" to travel anytime soon it could happen. Let us all know if there are any airlines that fly direct.
    - jill
